Children's Ministry

Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me..."

Matthew 19:14

Leading the next generation into a growing relationship with God by teaching them Biblical truths with joy and passion

Sunday Mornings


Celebration Choir practice
Beginning September 10th!
5 years old through 3rd grade - Hidden Treasure Room

9:30 am-10:30 am

Nursery (Birth - 4 years old)
Each week, children hear a Bible story through drama and storytelling using Frolic-Little Steps, Big Faith. Our desire is to send your children back to you with the Bible story on their minds and in their hearts. Our lovely Nursery staff love to share Jesus with your children! 

Children's Church (5 years old - 2nd grade)
Each Sunday, children follow the crucifer down the aisle and turn left to enter the Sheepfold Room located in the church office. Together we discuss stories from the Old and New Testaments using God's Big Picture by Gospel Light. Puppets, drama, and music bring these Bible stories to life!

Junior Worship (3rd grade - 5th grade)
Jr. Worship students follow the cross and turn right up to the Emmaus Room, where they learn more about their personal relationship with Jesus Christ and His great love for each of them through reading, discussing, and meditating on Scripture; prayer; Bible memory; hymn singing; and learning the Creeds. During this time, it is our hope that the children will not only grow in their understanding of the Lord and their love for Him, but will also learn to care for one another and the world around them. 

11:00 am

Sunday School 
Kingdom Story Level I 
    3.5 years old through Kindergarten - Church Office
Kingdom Story Level II 
1st and 2nd grade -True Vine Room
We are delighted to offer Kingdom Story to the children of Christchurch. The Kingdom Story curriculum gives children the "bigger picture" of Scripture and God's eternal plan in Christ. Each lesson points to Jesus as the Promised King and reveals His character, attributes, and love. Elements of Catechesis of the Good Shepherd are offered to enrich this time in God's word. Younger children (3.5 years old through 5 years old) gather in the church office while older children (Kindergarten through 2nd grade) gather upstairs right off the elevator in the church building. 

Sunday School for Older Children - The Gospel Project (3rd grade - 5th grade)
This class seeks to lay a solid spiritual foundation for our children as they move toward middle school, teaching them to see their world through a Biblical lens.This Fall our teaching team will use To Be A Christian: An Anglican Catechism helping students discover God's plan for the world. Don't miss our Sunday School in the Hidden Treasure Room upstairs in the church building!

Wednesday Evenings


W.O.R.D. Puppet Ministry (4th grade & Above)
The W.O.R.D. Puppet Ministry is for those in the 4th grade and above, and is committed to Worship, Outreach, Relationships, and Discipleship. We meet for practice on Wednesdays from 5:15-6:00pm in the Church Office and help lead Children’s Church on Sunday mornings or our younger children on a rotating basis. This is a great opportunity to learn the art of puppetry and build relationships with other youth as we minister to our church family and the community. 


B.L.A.S.T. (5 years old grade - 5th grade)
A wonderful opportunity to hear more about the truth of God's word is available each Wednesday night through B.L.A.S.T. (Believe, Learn, and Seek Truth) as we meet together in on the playground. It is a fun night of Bible stories, snacks, crafts, music and games! The video series ShareFaith brings scripture to life and enables children to have discussions about what it means to know God and to truly live for Him through our daily lives.